Video | Trimming and polishing of an orthodontic plate
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Filmato | Lavorazione e lucidatura di una corona in metalli vili
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Видео | Trimming and polishing of a non-precious metal crown
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Video | Opracowanie i polerowanie korony ze stopu metalu nieszlachetnego
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Vídeo | Recorte y pulido de una corona de metales no preciosos
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Video | Trimming and polishing of a non-precious metal crown
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Filmato | Split crest flapless
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Vidéo | Séparation crestale (split crest) sans création de lambeaux
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Видео | Flapless split crest
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Video | Rozszczepienie wyrostka zębodołowego bez preparacji płata
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Vídeo | Separación crestal sin creación de colgajos
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Video | Flapless split crest
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Filmato | Riduzione prossimale dello smalto nel corso di un trattamento ortodontico
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Vidéo | Réduction proximale amélaire au cours d’un traitement orthodontique
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Видео | IPR as part of an orthodontic treatment
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Video | Oscylujące redukowanie szkliwa w ramach leczenia ortodontycznego
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Vídeo | Reducción interdental del esmalte como parte de un tratamiento ortodóntico
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Video | IPR as part of an orthodontic treatment
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Filmato | Riduzione prossimale dello smalto con dischi oscillanti
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Vidéo | Réduction proximale amélaire avec des disques oscillants
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Видео | Oscillating Interproximal Enamel Reduction
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Video | Oscylujące redukowanie szkliwa w obszarze stycznym
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Vídeo | Reducción interdental del esmalte con discos oscilantes
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Video | Oscillating Interproximal Enamel Reduction
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Filmato | Split Crest, Dott. Agabiti
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Видео | Split Crest, Dr. Agabiti
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Video | Rozszczepienie wyrostka zębodołowego, dr Agabiti
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Vídeo | Corte crestal, Dr. Agabiti, Italia
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Video | Split Crest, Dr. Agabiti, Italy
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Filmato | Estrazione di un dente di giudizio, Dr. Agabiti, Italia
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